CPA’s 2021 Institutional Investor Proxy Vote Analysis
Investment Management Titans Finally Come to the Table on Corporate Political Disclosure BlackRock, Vanguard Contribute to Record Large Investor Support WASHINGTON — Support by the largest institutional investors for the Center for Political Accountability’s corporate political disclosure resolution jumped to 83.5 percent in 2021, up from 75.7 percent in 2020 according to analysis based…
CPA to SEC: Don’t Undermine Corporate Democracy and Investor First Amendment Rights
January 31, 2020 In a 12-page comment dated Jan. 31, CPA formally opposed rule changes under consideration by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission that would cripple small investors’ ability to seek policy changes from American companies and undermine their First Amendment rights. Using data and analysis, the comment concluded that successful disclosure agreements CPA has championed at…
CPA’s Corporate 527 Donation Data Set
Please download the zip file below to access Center for Political Accountability’s research on contributions to and spending by 527 political committees over the past decade, which forms the basis for CPA’s forthcoming Conflicted Consequences report. CPA’s research focused on six state-focused political committees, several of which reshaped state and national politics and policy. The…