Groundbreaking Corporate Political Activity Handbook Sets Out Emerging Best Practices for Political Spending (pdf)
On the eve of the most expensive mid-term election in American history, The Conference Board today released a groundbreaking Handbook on Corporate Political Activity, co-authored by Center for Political Accountability president Bruce F. Freed and counsel Karl Sandstrom with…
CPA Unveils Database on Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability
Washington, DC — The Center for PoliticalAccountability has launched a new corporate political accountability and disclosure database to provide a valuable tool for the media, investors and the public and shed greater light on direct and indirect corporate political…
High Votes Show Strong Support for Political Disclosure (pdf)
Washington – The Center for PoliticalAccountability applauds an exceptionally strong show of support for corporate political disclosure and accountability as Goldman Sachs shareholders voted on a resolution for the investment bank to report its trade association payments
Key Milestone Reached as Half of Trend Setting S&P 100 Adopt Political Disclosure (pdf)
Washington — Two new companies have moved to adopt disclosure and oversight of their political spending with corporate dollars. Their action brings to 50, or half, the number of public companies in the trend-setting S&P 100 that have embraced the corporate governance…
CPA-CII Write to 427 Top Companies, Urge Adoption of Political Disclosure and Accountability in Response to Citizens United (pdf)
Washington, D.C., Feb. 24, 2010 — The Center for Political Accountability and the council of Institutional Investors, joined by nearly 50 institutional investors and shareholder advocate groups, today launched a letter campaign to persuade companies in the Standard &…