CPA-Zicklin Center File Amicus Brief Urging Supreme Court to Protect Competition in the Political and Economic Marketplace (pdf)
Washington, DC – The Center for Political Accountabilityand the Zicklin Center for Business Ethics Research at theUniversity of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School warned thatlifting long-standing limits on corporate political activity andmore recent requirements for…
Politico pulls back curtain on the secret funding of 501(c)(4) organizations (pdf)
Washington, D.C. — An article in today’s Politico exposed aneffort by the American Conservative Union, a leading501(c)(4) organization, to raise $2 million from private mailcarrier FedEx. The group said it would support the companyon a controversial piece of…
CPA warns that Supreme Court action threatens corporate political accountability, poses serious risk to shareholders (pdf)
Washington, DC – The Center for Political Accountability warned today that the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision on June 29, 2009 ordering a new hearing of Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission threatened a tidal wave of undisclosed, unaccounted for money in federal and…
Political disclosure hits 60 companies, including 40 in the trend-setting S&P 100
Washington DC – As the 2009 proxy season formally opens, the pace of political disclosure is accelerating as seven new companies from a cross-section of American business have agreed to adopt or expand their disclosure of political spending with corporate funds. This brings to 60 the number of companies embracing what is becoming a corporate…
CPA, Zicklin Center for Business Ethics Research urge Supreme Court to uphold political disclosure
Washington DC – The Center for Political Accountability and the Zicklin Center for Business Ethics Research at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School called on the U.S. Supreme Court to leave in place long-standing limits on corporate political activity and more
19 Leading Financial Institutions Receiving TARP Funds Urged to Adopt Political Disclosure
Washington, D.C. – Warning that “gaps in transparency and accountability” contributed to the current economic crisis, shareholder advocates called on 19 financial companies that received more than $1 billion under the U.S. Treasury Department’s Troubled Asset Relief Program…