CPA’s 2022 Institutional Investor Proxy Vote Analysis

Support by the largest institutional investors for the Center for Political Accountability’s corporate political disclosure resolution dropped to 75.4 percent in 2022, down from 2021’s record support of 82.5 percent from this group of investors, according to analysis based on shareholder voting data from Insightia.

2022 CPA-Zicklin Index

2022 CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability Index Expanded to Russell 1000; Dramatic Gap in Disclosure and Accountability Between S&P 500 and Smaller Companies 2022 Index PDF

Practical Stake Report

First Hard Look at Business’ Stake in Democracy, How Their Corporate Political Spending Puts It All At Risk & How Companies Can Best Respond

CPA’s 2021 Institutional Investor Proxy Vote Analysis

Investment Management Titans Finally Come to the Table on Corporate Political Disclosure BlackRock, Vanguard Contribute to Record Large Investor Support   WASHINGTON — Support by the largest institutional investors for the Center for Political Accountability’s corporate political disclosure resolution jumped to 83.5 percent in 2021, up from 75.7 percent in 2020 according to analysis based…

Conflicted Consequences

Leading public corporations and their trade associations have quietly poured hundreds of millions of dollars over the decade into political groups influential in shaping state elections and resulting divisive policy agendas. Conflicted Consequences pulls back the curtain on the large, little-noticed donations by U.S. corporations and their trade associations to these so-called “527” groups and…